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# Part 4: Harmonising Across Different Studies
In this part of the workshop, you will harmonise the variables you imported to the repository earlier.
The target variables are described in an harmonisation dictionary available [here](https://gitlab.inesctec.pt/wp4-recap/wp4_workshop/raw/master/wp4_workshop_harmonization_dictionary.xlsx).
The goal is to transform the original variables into the ones in the harmonisation dictionary using the tools provided by the Data Repository.
## Using _Views_ in the Data Repository
The harmonisation process in the Data Repository is fully based on the concept of `views`.
A view is a virtual table in which variables have been derived from some other table.
In the context of harmonisation, we can pull and transform data from a table and then save the resulting harmonised variables in a view:
<img src="img/harmonisation/overview.png" alt="overview" width="700"/>
Harmonisation via Opal is self-documenting. After the harmonisation is complete, all the scripts that were used are automatically saved as variable attributes and are thus always available for inspection.
## Upload the Harmonisation Dictionary
The first step in the harmonisation process is to upload the harmonisation dictionary into the repository.
* Log into the Data Repository
* Click on `Projects` on the top bar and then select your project
* Click on the `Files` tab on the left panel and then click on `Upload`
* Browse to the harmonisation dictionary file and click `Upload`
## Create a View over the Original Table
Just like regular tables, views can be created by using a dictionary. In this case, you need to create a view using the harmonisation dictionary you just uploaded:
* Click on the `Tables` tab on the left panel and then click on `Add Table` > `Add View`
<img src="img/harmonisation/create_view_1.png" alt="create_view_1" width="700"/>
* Type in a name for the view (e.g. epice-pt_data_harmonised)
* In the table references, select the table from which the variables will be derived (the table you created on part 1 of the tutorial) and click `Add`
* Click `Browse` and select the harmonisation dictionary
* Click `Save`
<img src="img/harmonisation/create_view_2.png" alt="create_view_2" width="500"/>
The view you have created contains the target variables in the harmonisation dictionary and also a reference to the original table. But no data has yet been pulled from the original table, and so the view does not yet contain any data.
## Harmonise Each Variable
To pull and transform data from the original table, you need to individually harmonise each variable in the view.
The harmonisation approach for each variable depends on whether it is a categorical variable or not:
* **The Target variable is categorical**
For categorical target variables you can use the graphical web interface:
1. Select a categorical variable on the view
1. Click on `Derive` > `Categorise another variable to this`
<img src="img/harmonisation/harmonise_categorical_1.png" alt="harmonise_categorical_1" width="700"/>
1. Select the variable from which values will be derived (a variable from the original table) and click `Next`
1. Map the original values to the new values defined in the harmonisation dictionary
<img src="img/harmonisation/harmonise_categorical_2.png" alt="harmonise_categorical_2" width="450"/>
1. Click `Next` and then `Finish`
* **The Target variable is continuous**
For continuous target variables you have to use [MagmaJS](http://opaldoc.obiba.org/en/latest/magma-user-guide/methods.html) scripts.
All the scripts needed to harmonise the EPICE-PT variables are available [here](magmajs).
1. Select a continuous variable on the view
1. Click on the `Script` tab and then `Edit`
1. Write the script and click `Save`
The script is applied to each row of the original table. For example, if your script is:
It means that you are pulling the values of a variable named `weight` from the original EPICE-PT table, dividing them by 1000 and then rounding the resulting number to two decimal places (this could be a script to convert grams to kilograms, for example).
The final values are then stored in the view. |